Monthly Archives: January 2011

Defend Brendon O’Connell! Defend Darryl Potts!

Whitelaw Towers Condemns Jewish Controlled Media Witch Hunt Of Pro Palestinian Activists Brendon O’Connell And Darryl Potts And Condemns Jewish Controlled Labor Party And Jewish Controlled Multicultural Industry Complicity In Thought Crime Prosecution!

It’s A Sad Day when a White Nationalist has to use a vacuum cleaner to rid The Territory That Was Once The Floor Upon Which The Traditional Left Trampled of dust and debris. The Truth, however, is that White Nationalists are the only group that has not been infected by The Jewish Parasite that poisons The Mind and takes away Who You Truly Are and uses Left-Wing Faggots to cause Terror and installs mind-altering and mind-reading electronic devices right in the heart of the city and declares war on The Only Truly Patriotic Party in Australia and now persecutes patriots for Thought Crimes!

The Jewish Controlled Media, Mental Impairment, Bizarre Claims & Personality Disorders

Oh we have all the standard words used by The Jewish Controlled Media- “white supremacist”, “supremacist website”, “Jew hating”, “domestic violence”, “mentally impaired”, “bizarre claims”, “personality disorder”, “emphatically denied”- the list goes on. Now what type of Jewish reporting do you think you will get when the Judaic reporter is himself a Hebrew? Oh yes Joe Hildebrand is not only Israeli but good Jewish friends with Jews Mathew Henderson, @ndy Slackbastard, Brian Stokes, Cam Smith and Donald Oorst; Ita Buttrose, Sandy Gutman, Henri Szeps, John Safran and Ben Lee.

All Jews, and just like Darrin Hodges all members of the Jewish Internet Defense Force. Brendon O’Connell and Darryl Potts have bravely blown the whistle and proudly pierced the pretensions of those who would say otherwise, and for this reason Whitelaw Towers and the Australia First Party says nein und abermals nein!

‘Anti-Fascist’ Communist Homosexual Jews, The Myth of the Six Million & The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

The Jewish Parasite that poisons The Mind and takes away Who You Truly Are can’t have respected sites such as Whitelaw Towers linking award-winning journalists such as Joe Hildebrand to so-called ‘Anti-Fascist’ Communist Homosexual Jews like Mathew Henderson or ‘Anti-Racist’ Fabian Queer Zionists like Ben Lee.

Here are some examples.

Remember Ben Weerheym? Recall how They tricked him into admitting he was the driver for his two co-accused in the July 16 and 17 graffiti attacks on a war widows’ retirement village in Perth in 2004?

Remember Dr. James Saleam (pronounced ‘Salem’)? Recall how They framed him for insurance fraud and for organising a shotgun attack on African National Congress representative Eddie Funde by two National Action members in 1989?

Remember Adolf Hitler? Recall how They smeared his glorious reign with The Myth of the Six Million?

Remember how Israeli spy agency Mossad warned 4,000 Jews who worked in the World Trade Centre to stay home on 11 September 2001? Recall how five of Them were dancing on a bridge in New Jersey on 9-11?

Brendon O’Connell and Darryl Potts do!

Do you?

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Proof Giffords’ Assassin Was Left-Wing Faggot!

Whitelaw Towers bringing you the FACTS and the TRUTH about ALL enemies of the Australia First Party and the White Race!

F!$k you B’nai Brith, we ain’t buying your crap, or your bagels. These same Goyim you try and control are going to wake up real soon: the Australia First Party is an alarm clock you cannot break!


There is an old saying, and it is this. Let the cloudy river (of information) run its course, and soon the water will clear up. Well, here is a powerful update on ‘the shooter’ in Tucson, Arizona yesterday. He liked MEN and seemed to admire Communist leftists, including Marxist Obama in the White House. The FEDS could not take down the shooter’s Facebook fast enough before some of it was cut and pasted for all to see just what kind of left-wing Commie this nutcase was. Please share the information below far and wide. And remember, the two shooters at Columbine High School in Colorado WERE ALSO JEWISH. Thank you for sending this info far and wide.

Dr. James P. Wickstrom
Breaking News: The Arizona Shooter was a Homosexual Worshipper of the Jews!

Submitted by wmfinck on Sun, 01/09/2011 – 16:49

We always regret the loss of innocent lives. However some mainstream liberal jewish media outlets have been proclaiming that the Arizona shooter was a “neo-Nazi”. This is an absolute lie!!!

Jared Laughner’s own Facebook pagebefore it was taken down – declared;

Fight the Right! Obama and the Progressives (Communists) will overcome the tyranny of big business and the racist Tea Party. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!”

Laughner also professed that his inspiration came from this list of Leftist (Commie) Jewish darlings, in his own order: Barack Obama – Saul Alinsky – Noam Chomsky – Hugo Chavez – Che Guevara – Noam Chomsky (yes, again) – Mao-Tse-Tung – Josef Stalin – Yassir Arafat.

Laughner’s page also professes a sexual interest in “Men. His favorite quote is “Ask for work. If they do nt [sic] give you work, ask for bread. If they do not give you work or bread, then take bread.” Click on the picture below to see what Sword Brethren was able to obtain of a screen-capture from Laughner’s page:

Time For Another Reminder. Hitler Lives!

Judging from the surge in commentary we have generated since our last post, the confusion we have caused among some so-called ‘White nationalists’, and the strange looks we get from The Sheeple on those rare occasions when we leave the house (the fools think our protective headgear is unnecessary), there are STILL people out there that don’t quite understand what Whitelaw Towers is actually all about.

Essentially, it does not matter that much to us. We are what we are, I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together, and if people don’t like it then they can follow other blogs.

Sieg Heil!

The style of this blog has evolved somewhat since its inception as a successor to The Victor Whitelaw Project, so while we retain a strong preference for the use of primary colours and larger font sizes, Old Victor has had to tone down his natural flamboyance. But in terms of content, The Project was originally established as a medium through which to disseminate THE TRUTH about the criminal activities of so-called ‘Anti-Fascist’ and ‘Anti-Racist’ groups in Australia: diehard, doctrinaire, dogmatic, extremist, fanatic, fiendish, maniacal, and puritanical groups such as Mathew Lee Henderson-Hau’s ‘Fight Dem Back’ Mobile Dog Wash & Professional Dog Groomers / Urban Terrorist Group. The nature of not only Our Politics but The Internet also ensured The Ultimate Inevitability Of An International Aspect To This Venture. In short, Very Quickly It All Went Global. As we wrote back in October:

We report what we have seen as soon as is practically possible. Right here on your computer screen where the entire world might access it.

Any readers with the curiosity, the time to waste, and the masochistic desire to trawl through The Evidence (research can be tedious) will find The Answers in The Archives. Simply go back to The Beginning and start reading. It will swiftly become apparent what we were doing from the start. Exposing the details of the crimes of the Leftist blackmailers, extortionists, stalkers and thugs to the entire World is, and always has been, our primary mission. (As a result of our efforts, numerous Leftist blackmailers, extortionists, stalkers and thugs have been arrested, charged, prosecuted, found guilty, and sentenced: or would have been if it wasn’t for You-Know-Who!) A secondary development, over time, has been one of education on White History and Politics in general. This is purely an indulgence, a reflection of the personal interests and sexual peccadilloes of the principal staff members: we wish to stress that Dr James Saleam (pronounced ‘Salem’) has ALWAYS had our support and ALWAYS will.

Recently there has also been a need for us to champion the cause of The True White Nationalists in Australia as they came under the vicious and cowardly attack of bogus ‘Nationalists’ such as the so-called ‘Australian Protectionist Party’ (APP) and their motley crew of associates. We have been especially concerned to rally behind Our Leader, Dr James Saleam (pronounced ‘Salem’). We offer no apologies whatsoever for this, or in fact for any other thing we do, have done, or are planning to do in the future. Our total lack of conscience has resulted in White Traitors- the so-called ‘Australian Protectionist Party’ and their motley crew of associates- viewing us as repellent creatures every bit as toxic to Our White Racial Cause as the likes of Darp and weezil, and slackbastard and Ash; Dasher and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen; Comet and Cupid, and Donner and Blitzen. MEMBERS AND ALLIES OF THE ANTI WHITE PRO ZIONIST GROUP FIGHT DEM BACK. Indeed, in the absence of significant activity last year from the likes of the aforementioned Jews, we have been forced to transfer our obsession to the APP.

Anonymity and the ability to take cheap shots from the shadows are crucial to the success of WLT, just as they are for the so-called ‘Anti-Fascist’ Communist Homosexual Jews: the Leftist blackmailers, extortionists, stalkers and thugs. We do our best to put The ‘Anti-Racist’ Fabian Queer Zionists in the spotlight while avoiding it ourselves. We were certainly the first people in Australia to publish every threatening E-Mail from The ‘Anti-Fascist’ Communist Homosexual Jews and our E-Mail responses to those threats right here on your computer screen where the entire world might access it. Nobody had ever thought to publish things online before. This tactic HAS worked. Our enemies are hypocrites and liars but most of all they are cowards of the worst type. Their greatest fear is to be subjected to the very same scrutiny, surveillance and exposure which they subject their victims to, but most of all having every threatening E-Mail, Telephone Call, Fax, Telegram, Letter and Comment we receive published right here on your computer screen where the entire world might access it.

Our enemies- Arabs, Asians, Blacks, Browns, Yellows, Communists, Fabians, Homosexuals, ZOG, The Controlled Media, The Aboriginal Industry, The Multicultural Industry, White Traitors in the so-called ‘Australian Protectionist Party’, their motley crew of associates, and MEMBERS AND ALLIES OF THE ANTI WHITE PRO ZIONIST GROUP FIGHT DEM BACK– know that every E-Mail, Telephone Call, Fax, Telegram, Letter or Comment we receive will be detailed OUT IN THE OPEN RIGHT HERE ON YOUR COMPUTER SCREEN WHERE THE ENTIRE WORLD MIGHT ACCESS IT. This ensures there can be no question of blackmail as has happened to several other Australian Nationalists over the years who were naïve enough to think they could keep The Red Scum away from their women, off their backs and out of their cars through suppressing this information. The only things we will not publish are our names and details. Like the Nazis, we consider ourselves members of a Master Race.

Under this regime of full and frank disclosure of the Communist correspondence we claim to have received there can never be any thought of making ‘deals’ with the anonymous members of the WLT staff.

One more time…

Although the general format of WLT can at times be a bit untidy, cluttered and littered, and our thought patterns even seem a bit disorganised, broken, confused, disordered or upset, our aim unfocused, our logic questionable and our grasp on reality tenuous (our tendency to mix in some dark humour and irony along the way upsets some readers) we are unconcerned because we believe this lends it a certain uniqueness, one that The Jew hates.

Whitelaw Towers is not “News”. If you want streaming raw data 24/7 then this is not the site. If you want gossip, comment, hearsay, rumour, scandal, scuttlebutt, loose talk and hushed whispers, it is.

We post what we, in our own opinion, find interesting and relevant to White Nationalism OUT IN THE OPEN RIGHT HERE ON YOUR COMPUTER SCREEN WHERE THE ENTIRE WORLD MIGHT ACCESS IT.

We do not dictate (although we’d like to- and we should). We comment and editorialise, stamp our feet and gesticulate wildly!


Whitelaw Towers Does Not Negotiate With Terrorists.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

ZOG Crumbling Under Pressure From Australia First Party, Launches Dirty Tricks Campaign in Heart of Brisbane!


As we predicted years ago and as we noted earlier, Julian Assange is a stooge!


Mossad, as well as a Rothschild law firm, the pro-Israel gang at The New York Times, The Guardian and Der Spiegel removed cables with dirt on Israel!


With neither permission from the Australia First Party nor after having consulted extensively with the people of Brisbane, the so-called religious group “Chabad Brisbane” has installed a sinister-looking electronic device right in the heart of the city! After conducting extensive research into the subject, the staff here at Whitelaw Towers have concluded that the metallic instrument performs a dual function.

First, the antennae located at the top of the machine emit alpha brain waves, intended to disrupt patriotic thought processes.

Secondly, they are recording devices, which not only seek to disrupt but to record any traces of ideological deviationism. These records- which like the dirty Israeli cables Assange has scrubbed from the public record ZOG will never admit to having compiled– will be used- are being used– to sabotage the White Nationalist movement in Australia, and to harm the job prospects of thousands of its members.

You have been warned!

We demand the immediate removal of this infernal so-called Chanukah machine, an apology from the Israeli Ambassador, and the payment of $64,000 in compensation to the Australia First Party Queensland, PO Box 5839 Gold Coast MC QLD 9726.


Having survived a virtual terrorist campaign against him and against Free Speech in his native Canada, renowned Free Speech activist Paul Fromm recently completed a Free Speech tour of Australia in support of Free Speech. Dr. Fromm’s tour was organised by patriots belonging to the Australia First Party. Special thanks for his help in organising the Free Speech tour must go to Australia First Party leader Dr. James Saleam (pronounced ‘Salem’)- another Free Speech activist renowned for his activism in support of Free Speech.

Free Speech activist Sharyn Linsdell-Smith with Prof. Fromm.

Dozens listened to Prof. Fromm as he addressed large meetings of Free Speech activists in Sydney on December 4 and in Melbourne on December 11. He also met with leaders of Free Speech groups the Australian League of Rights, Nationalist Alternative, Southern Cross Hammerskins, Volksfront and the National Federation of Independent Business.


ZOG is panicking!

Hail the New Dawn!
Hail Victory!